Must Read Books for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are a unique bunch. We’ve made a conscious and deliberate decision to repudiate so-called job security for a more challenging  expedition into the unknown. It takes an  individual with steely resolve, and in some cases, a lack of aversion to risk, to brave the jungle that is entrepreneurship.  As I close in on 10 years of business development, which includes building three unique corporations from scratch – a car dealership, a finance company, and now a multimedia marketing firm –  I reflect on some of the books I’ve read that not only inspired me, but reconstructed my understanding of business strategies and tactics. Here are three of the most enlightening books I’ve read so far. I hope they’ll inspire you, my fellow entrepreneurs, the way they did me.

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. This book was first published in 1936; however, the lessons in people management and relationships are timeless.
  2. Turn Around, How Carlos Ghosn Rescued Nissan, by David Magee. A testament to the importance of diversity and leadership. 
  3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. My most profound realization in business happened after I read this book. It reinforced my decision to become an entrepreneur, and taught me the power of passive income.

So there you have it, three great reads to get you through the good times and bad. Share and like us on if you enjoyed this post.

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